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Gaussian error messages

Here, I will put continuously the error messages of Gaussian program and its solution. I collect all these from the internet, mailing list, and also my experiences when I use Gaussian.

Physical-related error:

1. Estimate disk for full transformation -677255533 words. Semi-Direct transformation. Bad length for file. You can set the MaxDisk keyword (http://www.gaussian.com/g_ur/k_maxdisk.htm) or you can split the RWF file using %RWF=loc1,size1,loc2,size2, … 1 word means 8 bytes.

2. Error due to memory usage:
IMax=3 JMax=2 DiffMx= 0.00D+00
Unable to allocate space to process matrices in G2DrvN:
NAtomX= 58 NBasis= 762 NBas6D= 762 MDV1= 6291106 MinMem= 105955841.

It shows that Gaussian has 6 MW free memory but the computational requres 106 MW. Put the higher value of memory (at least 106 MW (848 MBytes)) in the input file of ‘mem’.

Convergence error:

1. Error termination request processed by link 9999.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /usr/local/intel/g03/l9999.exe at Thu =
Jun 1 16:23:59 2006.
Job cpu time: 0 days 5 hours 22 minutes 24.2 seconds.

There are many reasons caused by this error. Usually, this error shows that the iteration is not convergence. First, check the maximum iteration number, if it is exceed the number, means the iteration is not yet finish. You can repeat the iteration from the latest geometry with keyword Geom=check and add maxcyc=100 for example.

2. … Annihilation of the first spin contaminant:. S**2 before annihilation 1.0036, after 0.0288.

This caused by incorrect spin calculation. Also there are many reasons for this one. First, check the mehtod that you used whether you use restricted or unresctricted method. In my experince, this problem is usually occured when I used ‘small’ method, for example HF for relatively complex system. Second, it can be happen due to very bad input geometry. It will create worse initial guess and cause this problem.

3. … Error termination in NtrErr:
NtrErr Called from FileIO.

Common error of the calculation when it exceed the maximum limit of the ‘maxcyc’. Continue the iteration by Geom=check or change the structure to get better initial guess.

Input file error


Please check the input file because there is an error on it. Usually, it will come another noticement below this line


Please check your method or basis set.

3. No pseudopotential information found on rwf file.
The combination of multiplicity 1 and 9 electrons is impossible.

There are two errors in this case, the first is related with the old .chk file which used in the currect calculation. The .chk file probably give the different infromation that you need. The second is related to the multiplicity and charge written in the input file which could be wrong.

4. The error due to the number of variable in the input structure

This can be happen when you do a calculation using CASSCF or opt(ES) and putting too much variable on the input structure. That is the limitation of current version algorithm and could be solved by limiting your variable max to 50, i.e. make others become frezee.

Categories: Gaussian
  1. Ajit Pahuja
    July 13, 2007 at 7:28 pm

    While doing geometry optimization calculations of a zeolite 20T cluster using AM1 I am getting the following error

    Incomplete coordinate system. Try restarting with
    Geom=Check Guess=Read Opt=(ReadFC,NewRedundant)
    Incomplete coordinate system.

    Can you help me on this


  2. superbeton
    July 15, 2007 at 10:58 pm

    Dear: Ajit,

    For the semi-empirical method such as AM1, the optimization can not converge if the coordinate system is not really well defined. I believe restarting the calculation will result the same problem. However, if you think your system is already well defined, you can try other methods which more analytically calcuate your (seem to me) ‘large’ system.

  3. somayeh
    November 26, 2007 at 3:43 pm

    when i want to calcultion ts structur i give l9999 i want to know why? and please give me example from ts structure with qst2 method

  4. leilajm
    February 24, 2008 at 9:38 am

    While doing excited state geometry optimization calculations of SF2 molecule using TD-DFT I am getting the following error

    Can you help me on this
    best regards.

  5. Julia
    August 11, 2008 at 12:20 am

    When submitting a multi job gaussian calculation through unix, the first two calculataions (an AM1 OPT and an B3LYP/6-31G*) work well but the final calculation (an NMR calc) comes back with “there are no atoms!”.
    How can i modify the input file so that this doesn’t happen?

    • superbeton
      September 8, 2010 at 8:26 pm

      I guess, it is a problem with calling .chk file. You can check whether you use the same .chk file or not with the previous calculation.

  6. cwxwwwxwwxwx
    December 23, 2008 at 8:13 am

    well, hi admin adn people nice forum indeed. how’s life? hope it’s introduce branch 😉

  7. Sarath
    January 22, 2009 at 7:40 pm

    Hi everyone,

    I have the following problem in my .com file. I am new to gaussian and can somebody help me out.

    t12= -100.1064
    b13= 4.6857
    a13= nan
    t13= -100.1064

    The entry a13 is coming as ‘nan’ how many ever times i may try.

    How can i get rid of nan and get some integer over there. Whats the problem with it?


    • superbeton
      September 8, 2010 at 8:18 pm

      when you write your input, you have to define a13. You can edit your com file with any text editor and change nan with some numbers.

  8. mahdieh bazargani
    February 19, 2009 at 1:18 pm

    Error termination request processed by link 9999.

    we face to this error.we were running QST3 with AM1 method.please help us to run it.
    we are looking forward to hearing from you.

    • superbeton
      September 4, 2010 at 3:18 am

      No! Nothing wrong with link 9999. Everybody wants to end the calculation with link 9999! Is there something strange with your result?

  9. arpita
    April 12, 2010 at 10:47 am

    please provide me solution of (write error in NtrExt1 in gaussian 03)

    • superbeton
      September 4, 2010 at 3:10 am

      It could be caused by run out of disk space. Try to clean your scratch folder or slit your scratch file. I have posted how to do it!

  10. arpita
    April 12, 2010 at 10:48 am

    please provide me (solution of write error in NtrExt1 in gaussian 03)

  11. Zamin
    May 18, 2010 at 4:29 pm

    hello there,

    i am using gaussian to calculate geometry optimization calculations for (AuCl4-) using the following z-matrix:

    Cl2 Au1 2.24
    Cl3 Au1 2.24 Cl2 90.0
    Cl4 Au1 2.24 Cl3 90.0 Cl2 180.0
    Cl5 Au1 2.24 Cl4 90.0 Cl3 180.0

    And it says, syntax error – does that mean my z-matrix is wrong? Could you help me figure out my mistake? would be very helpful…..thnk you.

    • superbeton
      September 4, 2010 at 3:04 am

      Try ..
      Cl 1 2.2
      Cl 1 2.2 2 90.
      Cl 1 2.2 3 90. 2 180.
      Cl 1 2.2 4 90. 3 180.

  12. Keshab Adhikary
    July 2, 2010 at 8:48 am

    While I put a job for optimization of a TS structure it produce an error message as bellow: Error termination via Lnk1e in /home/gauss/g03/l716.exe at Wed Jun 30 20:12:29

    Could you please suggest me to resolve it?



    • superbeton
      September 4, 2010 at 2:42 am

      I am not sure whether you are already solve that problem or not. You can pot to me if it was solve. But in my opinion, in l701 error, there is one line before it mentions the problem.
      (1) If it is related with ‘mass-weighted force constant matrix’, so there is something wrong with your molecule. Could be Gaussian’s symmetry (try to use NoSymm), or etc.
      (2) If you use ‘hinderedrotor’ usually you’ll find problem with ‘internal rotation degrees of freedom’ with saying ‘Problem with the number of degrees of freedom’. This problem is more complicated to be solved!
      So, see the line before that error message ..

  13. tara
    September 7, 2010 at 1:26 am

    I have a problem .I have 2 molecules in gauss view in a certain distance. in gaussian I use Scan key word for lenght.But the error in link 716 was appeared.
    Could you please suggest me to resolve it?

    • superbeton
      September 8, 2010 at 8:12 pm

      link 716 is related with optimization (and frequency) information. Do you find any messages before the error line, such as Problem with the number of degrees of freedom. Try to make your molecule ‘more relax’ during the scan calculation (e.g. keyword NoSymm). Could you write down your input or log file?

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